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Quess? has graced stages nationally from coast to coast, and internationally from Beijing, China to London, UK to Trinidad & Tobago. His clients/venues have included Write About Now Poetry, Button Poetry, Red Bull, Spotify, Nike’s NBA All-Star Weekend, Ford Foundation and many more. He is available for poetry readings, performances, and theatrical presentations. 


As an eleven year classroom teacher and teaching artist of even longer, Quess? employs multiple pedagogical strategies in his workshop facilitation. His workshops have been received by numerous clients such as the Boys & Girls Club of America, PolicyLink, Breadloaf Writing Program, and various high schools, colleges and organizations across the country. From various theater and writing exercises to self crafted workshops, he looks forward to bringing a grab bag of educational tools to your classroom, community center, college or otherwise.  


Public Speaking & Hosting

Quess? has delivered keynotes for school graduations, historical and educational programs, and national and international conferences. He's hosted events for primary and secondary schools, colleges and various organizations and has paneled with a diverse array of clients. Past collaborators and co-panelists include the Aspen Institute, Amnesty International, Kwame Toure Lecture Series, Soledad O’ Brien, Van Jones and many others. He is available to host events, present lectures or speeches, or sit on panels at your university or organization discussing any of his areas of interest including but not limited to poetry, theater, anti-racism, equity and people empowerment.



Instagram: a_scribe_called_quess



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